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How to move around in Florence

How to move around in Florence
Florence is quite small so if you stay in the city centre you will probably not have the need to use public transport. Also, there are many areas in the centre which are pedestrianised.  There is no underground train system in Florence.
There are buses services, although these are not the best in Europe (and also the most expensive in Italy and with frequent delays).
There is a tramway which has been in construction for some years : two lines are now active and basically connect the centre with the south and the outskirts.

Taxis are a good option, but take into account that the tariffs are high in Italy and so are not recommendable as a frequent option.
+39 055 4390 – Taxi Firenze
+39 055 4242 – Radiotaxi

If you are travelling by car take care! The whole of the city centre is closed to car transport (at least for those which do not have the special permits) and are controlled by videocameras. It is better to leave your car out of the central red zone. Also, be careful with car parking which is difficult to find and you will almost have to pay.

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