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Amsterdam city guide

The best sights of Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a fascinating city and there are many things to see. Here is a list of some of Amsterdam's most popular sights.

Foundation of Joan Miró

Joan Miró i Ferrà, was born on the 20th of April in 1893 (died in December 1983) and was a world renowned Catalan painter, sculptor and ceramist from Barcelona and one of the most famous artists of the surrealism ever.

He started drawing at the very young age of 8 and is famous for his paintings Catalan Landscape, Maternity, Harlequin's Carnival and Motherhood. He invented and developed a Surrealistic style characterized by bright primary colors, such as red, yellow and blue and fantastical forms that suggested situations like in a dream.

In June 1975 the Fundació de Miró, which was designed by Miró’s friend, an architect, Josep Fert opened, to house a permanent exhibition of Miró’s work – an open plan space, allowing a lot of natural light and creating a bright and fantastic place to show Miró’s work - from realism to surrealism, figurative and fantasy to minimalist and detailed. 

The origins of this foundation were actually in one of Mirós exhibitions in 1968 in the Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu. His works from this exhibition were moved later to the spaces of the Fundació, which is dedicated to the famous surrealism artist. But there is not just Miró art to be found in this museum – it is shown alongside an impressive variety of creative workpieces of other contemporary artists.

The Foundation is located in the greenery of the wonderful Montjuic and most of the Miró paintings, sculptures, ceramics, textiles and much more are exhibited there – more than 14.000 pieces of art – in the building,  the garden and on the rooftop terrace.

Address: Fundació de Miró, Avenida de Miramar, s/n, 08038 Barcelona
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00 (October - June), Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00 (July - September), Thursdays: 10:00 - 21:30, Sundays and public holidays: 10:00 - 14:30, Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)
Admission: adults 10 €, students 7 €

Foundation of Joan Miró Foundation of Joan Miró Foundation of Joan Miró