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Madrid city guide

Visit the areas where our apartments are located

With more than 3 million habitants in the municipal and 6 million in the whole metrolitan area, the Spanish capital and Madrid region is the third most populated area in the European Union. Home to the government, institutions and ministries, the Royal Palace and, together with Barcelona, is considered one of the principal cultural centres housing the Prado musuem, Thyssen- Bornemisza and Queen Sofia. Known for its night life since the 80s this city holds its name for being the city which never sleeps....

In the present-day Eixample is well-known for housing most of Barcelona's contemporary art treasures and for being a posh neighborhood with upscale shops and residences. While it is a peaceful and safe area of the city, there is an extensive café culture and an exciting nightlife. A neighborhood worth exploring.

The Eixample is divided into six neighbourhoods, each with its own distinct charm. 

Dreta de l'Eixample, which begins at Plaça de Catalunya and runs along Passeig de Gràcia, is home to some of Modernism's greatest works, including Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, also known as La Pedrera. Because of its tourist and commercial operations, it continues to be a vital hub in the city today.

Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample is a calm residential neighborhood dominated by the University of Barcelona's neo-Romanesque architecture on Gran Via. It houses Hospital Clínic and the Faculty of Medicine. 

Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample's best known public space is Parc de Joan Miró,  the bullfighting ring Las Arenas, which is nowadays a shopping center, and the Casa Golferichs.

Sant Antoni, located between Paral-lel and Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, has a big and active association movement, with the old Mercat de Sant Antoni, one of the city's most prominent markets, serving as its symbolic center.

The Sagrada Família neighborhood is centered on Antoni Gaudí's enormous basilica, a world-renowned architectural landmark. 

The Fort Pienc neighborhood, located between Plaça de les Glòries and Passeig de Sant Joan, features two iconic cultural facilities: the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC) and the Auditori, as well as the distinctive Mercat dels Encants.