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Berlin city guide

The best sights of Berlin

Berlin is a fascinating city and there are many things to see. Here is a list of some of Berlin's most popular sights.

Television Tower

The Tele tower is one of the well-known symbols of Berlin and attracts more than a million visitors every year. It is located close to the Alexanderplatz and was built in the years 1965 to 1969. The tower is 368 metres high and you can have a spectacular 360° view from one of the obersavtion decks – one at 203 metres and the other one at 207 metres.  You can look over the entire city and discover all different sight (Reichstags building, Olympic Stadium, Brandenburg Gate, etc). A highlight is also the revolving restaurant at one of the observation platforms, which is also Berlin’s highest bar. To get to the observation decks you will use one of the lifts which will bring you up there within 40 seconds.

Image from Flickr #1 M.A.R.C
                          #2 Stachelbeer
                          #3 Gilly Berlin


Television Tower Television Tower